3 Pieces of advice I would give 19 year old worship Leader Tosé

I know what you are thinking so let me quickly put your mind at rest: This is not an "Oh, how I wish..." post, I promise! I am not one to dwell on what should have been. With time, I have come to recognise and acknowledge the BTS (Behind The Scenes) factor which I have termed simply to identify the bunch of stuff that happens that our naked eyes are not privy to, but thankfully God presides over. So, why this title? Well, I am a strong believer of not only learning from mistakes but teaching from your mistakes with the hope that someone will learn and subsequently avoid them. Against popular belief, experience isn't necessarily the best teacher. So that being said, here goes: 

1. Opportunities don't fall on your lap. Go get them!: Well, Ok sometimes they do but that's more the exception than the rule. Sometimes, you literally have to go in search of them. Other times, they are there waiting along your path. But unless you are "tuned in", you'll miss them. You see, God brought opportunities my way to make and share the music he had given me to a much wider audience as far as back then. I didn't take up these opportunities and this was primarily because somewhere at the back of my mind, I expected to BOTH be approached and pursued. I felt I was that good at what I did. But who ever said talent was enough? You better be hard working and persistent or you'll carry your talent and that pride of yours with you to the grave.

2. Stop striving for 'perfection' in your tasks. Strive for excellence: Are you asking what the difference is? Well, so did I. To me, they were one and the same thing. But with time I have come to realise that the striving for perfection comes from a far more underlying problem - fear. And boy, did I have that in bucket loads! Someone once described perfection as fear in high heels. Ha! I totally agree.

Excellence on the other hand is having a vision- an image in your mind's eye- and not being afraid of the process it will take to get there. You are not afraid of making mistakes. Instead, you learn from them and persistently strive to be better. It sounds so simple but in my study of successful people, I have found this to be a common trait. Can I just be real with you? I'll be lying if I said that now well into my thirties, I have a complete grasp over this particular advice. I'm still very much a work in progress and I learn everyday.

3. Don't hide behind the music: My relationship with music was and still is a very passionate one. Before becoming a Christian that passion bordered on obsession. I had a lot of issues as a growing teen and the only way I found peace was to get lost in something. For me, that was music. Music also became the perfect mask. Why did I need to hide? I didn't like myself and didn't see how anyone would too. But music was something everyone loved so I said to myself "Do that skilfully enough and you'll be golden". So I thought. But authentic and honest worship thrives on allowing yourself be vulnerable first before God and then His people if you take on the privilege of leading them in worship. Your effectiveness as a worship leader almost solely depends on this. Music is not a covering or camouflage. It is a tool. Use it skilfully in leading God's people to express their love and devotion to Him. I'll share a bit more about this in a later post

So I ask you: what advise would you give your younger self today? Please comment below. I'd love to hear from you :)

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